A better way to manage your residence

Elevate your space now with serobe! discover a comprehensive residence management software that empowers you to efficiently oversee all facets of your residence operations.


We ensure that our residence management software adds value to your day-to-day.


Facilities booked on the platform

This includes all the facilities booked for use and maintenance issues.


We have securely signed in over 8 thousand student residence visitors.

We provide day visitor management as well as overnight visitor management.


Users on our platform

Our platform is loved by students as it provides ease of use.

Created by former residents along with residence managers, to empower resident communities

Improve data retention

We modernize data storage, replacing old-fashioned paper systems approach to managing residences. Our digital approach ensures easy access to past records, empowering you to effortlessly review historical data

Improve data security

Our platform offers customizable access levels and robust data validations, ensuring not only secure storage but also precise control over who can access and modify data.

Improve team collaboration

managing data becomes a team effort. Our platform facilitates seamless collaboration, allowing your team to work together efficiently while maintaining the highest standards of data security and integrity.


Allocate space efficiently with room allocations software

Manage residence room allocations online with our digital room allocations product. Keep track of how your space is filling up and avoid overbookings.

Power to your residents.
Curate a list of rooms and empower your residents to select and apply for their own rooms to stay in.
Keep track of capacity
Approve or decline room applications while accurately keeping track of capacity and avoiding overbookings
Reporting and Analysis
Stay up to date with your property capacity and receive monthly reports.


A sense of community and comfort

Seamlessly log visitors on a digital register. We help you move away from the struggle of maintaining manual records of visitors with our digital solution.

Flexible facility reservations
Your residents enjoy our booking system empoweres them to easily book facilities from anywhere, while you manage and keep track of usage.
Automated delivery notifications
Easily notify residents automatically when they receive a delivery, and they real-time alerts and status updates.
A better experience for residents
Improving the experience for your residents by leveraging an all-in-one residence management platform and saying goodbye to paper-based solutions


Enjoy the benefits of effortless facilities management

Manage residence facilities online with our digital booking system and delivery management. Easily match packages to recipients.

Flexible facility reservations
Your residents enjoy our booking system empoweres them to easily book facilities from anywhere, while you manage and keep track of usage.
Automated delivery notifications
Easily notify residents automatically when they receive a delivery, and they real-time alerts and status updates.
A better experience for residents
Improving the experience for your residents by leveraging an all-in-one residence management platform and saying goodbye to paper-based solutions


Peace of mind for you and everyone visits your residence

Seamlessly log visitors on a digital register. We help you move away from the struggle of maintaining manual records of visitors with our digital solution.

Flexible facility reservations
Your residents enjoy our booking system empoweres them to easily book facilities from anywhere, while you manage and keep track of usage.
Automated delivery notifications
Easily notify residents automatically when they receive a delivery, and they real-time alerts and status updates.
A better experience for residents
Improving the experience for your residents by leveraging an all-in-one residence management platform and saying goodbye to paper-based solutions

Common questions?
Clear answers!

Move your residence online

Unmatched residence management system, with deep focus on operational excellence.